Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Workouts for May 11-18, 2011

May 11: My back went out, but I still tried to include some cardio by waving my arms in the air as if I were doing jumping jacks to get my heart rate up. Then I did some are work with my 2lb dumbells. I definately felt it in my arms. Felt good to do something, but was craving my TJ. Also was using my excersise ball to stretch myself out.

May 12: My back was still out, but got a toradol shot and was able to do some walking and light weights with my arms. Also used the pink resistance band until I failure. I also included some stretching that coach Tiyona told me to try. Feeling good and hoping the back still continues to get better.

May 13: Turbo Jam 20 min. I felt I put what I could into it because my back was still bothering me. I feel good because I accomplished comepleting the workout and it was my first time back at it since my back went out. I also inlcuded the lower ab part 1 and 2 challenge. Definately feeling it.

May 14: My family and I went on a nature walk. It was mostly up hill and I pushed the stroller, so I had some extra weight to push up hill, I also held my abs in as tight as I could. Got my heart rate up to 120bpm. I really felt it in my abs and calves. Also included the lower abs part 1. Abs are getting pretty sore.

May 15: Went for a walk and chased my son around my daughter's softball game while holding my abs in tightly. It was a busy day, so I didn't get much in. I'm feeling good cause I've bounced back from my back being out and have been pushing myself to stay on track.

May 16: Went to a dietician appt at the local hospital here. I took advantage of this time and parked way in the back of the parking lot, held in my abs, and power walked all the in and around the hospital to where my appt was. I definately felt it and was proud of myself for making a workout out of my appt. I've been trying to think of small things to do to include some sort of excersise no matter how big or small it is. Staying positive. Abs are sore and mood is up.

May 17: Took my dog on a 30 min power walk. I had a really stressful day and was upset that I wasn't able to get my planned workout in because my kids were being brats. So when I got home I made my husband put the kids to bed, grabbed my lab dog and headed out the door. It was nice to get outside with just me and the dog breathing in the fresh air and letting each breath out release all the stress and tension I had inside. I feel much better now that I got some me time in and fresh air. I'm so glad I've been pushing myself to do some sort of excersise every day regardless of how long or hard it is. I've never pushed myself like this, so I am very proud of my accomplishments. I'm also proud of my creativeness to find opportunities in my every day busy life to fit excersise in. My health and weight are the most important thing for me to get right, so I push and push. Without my health, I am no good to my family.

I haven't lost any more weight yet, but my clothes are fitting different and I feel a huge difference on the inside. I'm gaining energy by the day and that is a huge part that keeps me going. I'm not paying attention to my weight as much as I am the way I feel and the way my clothes fit.

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