- Go grocery shopping- deadline - Monday - Sept 26
- Make Weekly Menu - deadline - Sunday - Sept 25
- Make a video blog about my journey - deadline - Friday- September 30
- Share Beachbody with a friend - deadline - Saturday - October 1
- Make one of my meal plans for a friend - deadline - Sunday - October 2
- Pack for out of town trip - deadline - Thursday - September 29
- Conitnue following meal plans
- Continue following Slim in 6 schedule- deadline - November 1st
- Go through Evan's clothes/toys - deadline - Thursday - September 29
- Take my antibiotics daily - deadline - Saturday - October 1
- Continue working on sleep schedule
- Schedule Dr Appt Follow-Up - deadline - Monday - September 26
- Send out follow up emails to customers - deadline - Tuesday - September 27
This week I will push myself harder to stick to my meal plan and exercise schedule. I have slipped a few times and will not let that keep me down, I will pick up where I left off and continue to strive to do better each day.
/s/ Coach Willow